Inactivity Is Literally Killing Us–And It Isn’t All Our FaultInactivity Is Literally Killing Us–And It Isn’t All Our Fault"Every year an estimated 5.3 million people from causes related to inactive living--roughly the population of Norway." Tara HolleyTara Holley
Heads Up East Texas: Know The Signs Of A StrokeHeads Up East Texas: Know The Signs Of A StrokeOne of the very highest risk factors for stroke is having high blood pressure. In fact, close to 80% of those suffering an initial stroke do.Tara HolleyTara Holley
Ohio Woman Discovers That Dialing the Wrong Number Can Save Lives [VIDEO]Ohio Woman Discovers That Dialing the Wrong Number Can Save Lives [VIDEO]Dialing a wrong number isn’t usually a big deal, but for one woman in Ohio, it may very well have been. In fact, the call is probably the reason she’s still alive and well.Shauna WrightShauna Wright