Good for you, you've graduated! Now what? You enter the real world with a great education and lots of enthusiasm...and mounds of debt!
We should have taken a poll of SFA grads last Saturday as they walked across the stage to get their diplomas. It varies of course, but the average college graduate leaves school with $35,200 in debt.
Retailers reported robust numbers on Black Friday last year, which surprised some analysts because the economy is still struggling and unemployment is high. But new data from the Federal Reserve shows where much of that money came from: credit cards.
Tongue somewhat in cheek, Bill O'Reilly offered to fly down to Washington to personally broker the stalled talks over raising the U.S. debt ceiling.
Speaking on his Thursday show, O'Reilly noted that he has broken with Republicans such as Michele Bachmann in actually wanting to raise the debt ceiling.
Entire Indian villages are enslaved by debt, even in 2011; is this practice considered legal or inhumane?
Watch the video below and decide for yourself.