Piney Woods Apartment Assoc. Taking Donations For Tornado Victims
Over the past few weeks, our Deep East Texas community has taken some pretty nasty hits from tornadoes. First, there were the tornadoes that hit Alto. Last night, another one hit San Augustine. All of these left tons of damage behind.
We've seen lots of people and businesses in our area step up to help out the victims in their time of need. And now, there's another group that has stepped up. The Piney Woods Apartment Association is now taking donations for victims in BOTH Alto and San Augustine.
Items can be donated at 3220 North Apartments in Nacogdoches, which is located at - you guessed it - 3220 North Street. From there, they will be distributed accordingly to the people that need them.
If you have any questions, you can contact Mary Mocniak at 936-560-2211.
It's so awesome to see our community step up and help out their fellow East Texans.
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