Well, he certainly walked into this one.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan lobbed a huge slow-pitch softball at the Internet on Wednesday (June 7) when he asked Twitter to wish Vice President Mike Pence a happy birthday. For the record, that's the third man in line for the presidency reaching out to the public to share warm and fuzzy thoughts with the second in line, who just so happened to be turning 58.

Under a less controversial administration, this may have slipped under the radar. But this is now Donald Trump's America, where nothing happens (not even a cobbled-together story on Ivanka Trump) without some sort of outcry -- even happy birthday wishes.

Twitter had the proverbial field day bashing Pence, as well as Ryan.

But, hey, considering the firestorm that ensues whenever the President tweets, you could consider this to be pretty tame. Take a look and decide for yourself.

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