New Texas Resolution introduced Defining ‘Native Texan’
How would you define someone as being a "native Texan?" Someone who was born in Texas? Someone who has made Texas their home for ten years or more? Someone who was born in Texas, moved away for twenty years than moved back? There honestly could be multiple ways to define "native Texan." One Texas representative has introduced a resolution defining what a "native Texan" actually is.

State Senator Drew Springer has introduced a resolution that could put to rest the debate of claiming to be a "native Texan." The reason this resolution needed to be introduced is because more people are moving to Texas. Some for a better job, some for cheaper housing, some who are tired of paying both state and federal taxes. Yes, many of those are from California. We've been seeing more and more out of state license plates in East Texas lately. Just about every day I've seen at least one New York license plate heading around Loop 323 or down South Broadway. I've also seen California, Arizona and Florida plates, too.
I think it's probably needed to have a true definition of "native Texan" with this influx of people. Senator Springer's resolution defines "native Texan" as anyone who was born in Texas or born to Texas residents that may be serving out of state in the military provided they return to Texas within thirty days.
This is just a resolution so it is not considered a law. So don't call for a citizen's arrest for someone who just moved here from Idaho claiming to be a "native Texas." Just follow the advice of Hank Hill, we ask them kindly, but firmly, to leave.
If you want to see the full resolution, go to capitol.texas.gov.
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