MoviePass Lowers Its Price Again
There are several theaters in East Texas that honor MoviePass, and using the pass at those theaters just got cheaper. A month after lowering the monthly fee to $7.95, the subscription price has fallen by another buck.
Do you have the pass? I've been thinking about getting it, so let me know if it works for ya.
When you subscribe to MoviePass, you can see one standard screen movie per day if you want. The pass works on 2-D movies, not 3-D or IMAX. But if you really love movies, you could potentially see 30 movies in a month for under ten bucks. If there are 30 new movies that come out in a month, that is.
Last summer the price for a MoviePass was about $50 per month, and it's been slashed several times since then. And MoviePass has lowered the price again, this time to $6.95 for the monthly fee. That price is good for new users only, and there's also a $6.55 processing fee to start it up, and the whole works is billed annually. That means the initial charge of $90 or so will show up on your credit card bill but you'll be good to go for the year.
It seems like the pass would work out in our favor, seeing all of those movies for a small fee, but what if we forget to go to the movies for a few months and the pass sits unused? And what if we want to reserve a seat next to a friend or boyfriend, or our kids? Maybe that's why it's having a hard time really taking off.
We've got some big movies to look forward to this summer like Solo: A Star Wars Story, Jurassic World, Ocean's Eight, The Incredibles 2, and Mission Impossible 3. We'll just have to figure out the best way to get there.
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