McWilliams & Son/Townsquare Media Are Giving Away $1000 in Gas
I think we have moved beyond the stage of feeling the pinch in our pocketbooks. The current economy is acting more like a full-on drill press on our wallets and purses. So, whenever the opportunity comes around to get some relief, you should take advantage of it.
Win $1,000 Worth of Gasoline
Granted, the price of fuel has dropped off the record highs from earlier in the summer, but, I don't know of anyone who would turn down $1,000 worth of free gas. The Townsquare radio stations in Lufkin/Nacogdoches have teamed up with McWilliams & Son Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing to give a lucky motorist $1,000 for gasoline. The drawing for the winner will take place on Thursday, December 1st.
How Do You Enter?
It comes down to two easy steps.
Step One -
Download our free radio station apps. This includes the apps for KFOX 95.5, Q-107, KSFA, Juan 94.7 and/or KICKS 105.

Step Two -
Come out to any of our designated radio stations' remote live broadcasts and show us your app(s). For every app that you show us on your smartphone/smart device, you'll get an entry into the drawing for $1,000 in gas. If you have all five of our stations' apps, that means you can register five times for the drawing.
A Few Rules
- You must be at least 18 years of age to enter
- In order to register, you must be physically at the remote. You can't bring a friend's phone and try to register them.
- The maximum number of entries per person at each designated live broadcast is five
- By supplying your e-mail address on the entry form, you agree to allow McWilliam's & Son to send special discount offers to you.
Listen to our Townsquare radio stations to get details on where and when we'll be broadcasting live for your next chance to sign up for the free gasoline.
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