Twice a year, the SFA Gardens put on two huge plant sales. One take place in the fall, and the other takes place in the spring. The fall plant sale is coming soon - one month from today, actually!

The sale will take place at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center on Saturday, October 6th, starting at 9 AM and closing at 2 PM. However, if you want to get your hands on the good stuff, you'll need to be there before it opens so that you get a good starting spot. Now, you're probably asking, "Why do I need a good 'starting spot' for a plant sale?" I'm so glad you asked. At nine, when the sale officially starts, it's like a mad house. There are people running - no, really, RUNNING - to get to the plants they want. And most of them have wagons, so you definitely don't want to get in their way.

I actually go early each year, not so that I can get plants, but so that I can watch the madness unfold. It actually becomes quite the entertaining spectator sport for me. Don't judge me. You know you'd enjoy it too.

If you're curious about some of the plants that can be found, check out some of the pictures and info below:

Mealy Cup Sage
Mealy Cup Sage

Mealy Cup Sage - Perennial sage; small shrub; great for pollinators such as bees.


Liatris Pycnostachia
Liatris Pycnostachia
Liatris Pycnostachia
Liatris Pycnostachia

Liatris Pycnostachia - Tall, flowering perennials; grow up to four feet in height.

Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower

Cardinal Flower - Red flowering perennial; likes some moist soil; great for hummingbirds.

Shumard Red Oak
Shumard Red Oak

Trees - Nuttalls, redbuds, shumard red oaks (pictured above), bur oaks, black gums, and more.

So be sure to put the SFA Garden Fall Plant Sale on your calendar on Saturday, October 6th, from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center, and keep up with the SFA Gardens Facebook page. There. You have now been given an entire month to plan and prepare. You're welcome.

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