July 11th's is Amazon Prime day, filled with promotions geared toward Amazon Prime customers being able to reap the benefits of exclusive deals, streaming, wavered shipping costs and more.

I'm the kind of guy who prefers to shop local, so I did some digging and decided to look up Chick-o-Sticks since we have Atkinson Candy Co. right here in Lufkin.

After typing "Chick-o-sticks" into Amazon's search bar, the top rated item is about three items down the list, which is a 2 lb bag of the nugget sized Chick-o-sticks.

Sugar, sugar, sugar!
Sugar, sugar, sugar!

They come from a company called ShippedFast, and after calling them, we learned that they are based in Memphis TN, and they acquire all sorts of stuff, and send it back to Amazon in order for Amazon to fulfill orders.

That is pretty interesting if you ask me, and there might be an opportunity to take a brunt of that work off their hands. Wink wink.

The whole idea of Amazon's fulfillment process is strange, and it seems like there are a lot of "middle-men" that help ease the process along.

What other East Texas specific products are shipped out through Amazon, and how many businesses do their own online product pushing? How many local shops put their inventory online, and do they use Amazon to cater to their online demographic?

Tag your business savvy friends, or comment below with your knowledge on how the whole thing works so we can enlighten others.

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