What Thanksgiving Meal Side Has Folks Lined Up Overnight Outside Of A Tyler Grocery Store?

Having lived in East Texas for a few years now, I've started to become accustomed to some of the....how can I put this nicely...eccentric things that folks in this region are in love with.

One of those "eccentric" things is involves a certain Thanksgiving favorite that explodes into prominence at this time of the year. Some call it "tradition" and others call it "stupidity" (a direct quote from a lifelong resident I spoke to about it), but whatever you want to call it, its uniquely East Texan.


I was on my lunch break and I ran into a nearby Super 1 Foods grocery store because I wanted to grab something quick for lunch. As I was walking in, I noticed a line of empty chairs just outside the entrance.

I was instantly fascinated and wanted to know what was the reason for the line. I didn't see people around the chairs at first, so I slowed my pace going into the store to see if folks would appear which they did.

Before I could ask any questions I saw sign plastered above the row of chairs and then it became clear to me what all this was about.



Apparently, The Turkey Wing Sale was about to go DOOOWWN as the signs read. WAIT, people are lining up for a sale on "turkey wings"? Yes ladies and gentlemen. You read that correctly.

As you've probably heard, Greenberg Smoked Turkeys are a REALLY big deal in these parts. And in the fall, the company sells left over turkey wings to the general public at local grocery stores like Super 1 Foods on weekends in the fall.


The kicker is, they go on sale every Saturday at 5:00 AM. So eager East Texans line up the day BEFORE in order to get their hands on a coveted box of wings.

No the wings aren't cooked, they're just raw wings and you can only get them ONE box from what I'm told. When I asked around, some say that its something their families would do back in the days when you could buy them from the Greenberg plant directly and its just a great way to spend time with loved ones.


Others say they just LOVE the wings and gotta have them and most keep them stored and frozen to eat at other times of the year, while others find the whole ordeal just downright crazy considering that you can find turkey wings basically year round.

So if you see folks camped out on a Friday night outside of a grocery store, give them a wave and a wish for good luck in making their turkey wing dreams come true.

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