FDA Allows Emergency Use of Antibody Treatment Trump Got
I am pretty convinced the Regeneron treatment changed the trajectory of my battle with COVID-19. I was able to get in the outpatient trial of the antibody treatment and just a day after getting the injection, my cough completely disappeared and I felt 100% better.
Well now, this antibody treatment could be more readily available. Here's a report from the Associated Press.
(AP) — BC-US-MED--Virus Outbreak-Antibody Drug,
U.S. health officials have allowed emergency use of a second antibody drug to help the immune system fight COVID-19. It's an experimental medicine that President Donald Trump was given when he was sickened last month. The Food and Drug Administration on Saturday authorized use of the Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. drug for people with mild-to-moderate symptoms. Tests of the drug are continuing, but early results suggest it may prevent hospitalization and emergency room visits. Use is allowed for adults and children 12 and over who are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 because of age or certain other medical conditions.
Step By Step in Regeneron Trial
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