Check Out Some of the Weirdest Laws in Texas
Every state has a set of laws that were passed for whatever reason but are completely irrelevant today. Texas is no exception. Thanks to, we now know some Texas' dumbest or weirdest laws.
- In Houston, it is illegal to sell Limburger cheese on a Sunday.
- In Texas, you must give oral or written notice 24 hours in advance of robbing someone.
- If you sit on a sidewalk in Galveston, you could be fined $500.
- It is illegal in Mesquite to give your kids unusual haircuts.
- The city of Richardson does not allow u-turns.
- In Texas, you can't ride your horse and buggy through a town square.
- It is illegal to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.
- It's against the law to milk your neighbor's cow.
As you can see, all of these would not have much relevance in today's world. I would be upset if my neighbor milked my cow, though. Dude is stealing my milk damn it.