Amazon Prime Video App Finally Coming to Apple TV This Summer
Amazon’s feud with Apple might have suddenly ended. The streaming service has been loath to give Apple TV access to its Prime video app, or even sell Apple products, for the past two years, but it looks like Amazon Prime is coming to an Apple TV near you, and it could be very soon.
Buzzfeed News reports that Apple plans to announce this officially during its keynote address at the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose on June 5. A source told Buzzfeed that Apple plans to launch the Amazon Prime app as soon as this summer, but cautioned that a hard date hasn’t been set yet and is subject to change.
Amazon hasn’t sold Apple TVs (or Google Chromecast devices) on its site for two years, claiming “customer confusion.” I guess some customers had bought an Apple TV from Amazon, thinking the set-top box had Amazon Prime already loaded. Part of Apple and Amazon’s new agreement includes the provision that Amazon resume selling Apple TV products. A hard date for that hasn’t been set either.
Earlier this month, Recode announced that Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos may have reached a deal, and as of Buzzfeed’s article the news is now official. The two services constantly compete for customers’ time and money, but an agreement between the two could gain them even more of each.
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