8 Myths About Love Bugs – A Science Experiment Gone Wrong
We've shown you all the weird love bug facts. Now here are 8 myths people actually believe about the best of the southern pests ... the love bugs.
As most of you know, I was rather unhappy about seeing a love bug the other day as I was getting in my truck. My love bug experience was not amusing to me. I mean, come on! It's too early for them! (Actually, it's ALWAYS too early for them.) Anyway, I disposed of him rather quickly.
For any of you that are unfamiliar with those nasty little creatures, I've got some valuable information for you. It can all be found below. This is high-quality, spot-on info. Please proceed quickly.
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Genetic Experiment?
FALSEAccording to the wikipedia entry about love bugs, there is apparently a bit of folklore about some Florida scientists creating the love bugs in a lab to somehow control the mosquito population. There are no solid facts showing this is true ... especially since we still have our hands full with mosquitos too.
- cjsorg, Flickr
cjsorg, Flickr 2Yummy Treats
FALSEAlso according to Wikipedia entries, it turns out birds think love bogs are yucky due to their acidic taste. Great, we can't even get the birds to help us get rid of the little creeps.
- Photodisc
Photodisc 3It's Safe To Wash Your Car
WHO TOLD YOU THIS?!I suppose if you had your car inside a garage with drains. Then sealed the facility after power washing your vehicle ... Nope, I think a love bug would still find a way in and somehow get stuck to your stationary automobile.
- Getty Images/iStockphoto
Getty Images/iStockphoto 4The Significance of Love in the Air
What are you even talking about?If you EVER hear someone say that love bugs signify love and happiness in the air, a changing of the season from dreary to warm … It is your duty to remind them they are a plight on this world and nobody should be happy when they see them.
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Seperation Anxiety
Pull them apart to kill themSome folks believe just by pulling them apart, they'll die. This is false, and not only will they stay alive, they'll most likely find one another and get back at ... erm ... "it".
TSM LUFKIN 6They're Everywhere
FALSEDon't let people fool you into believing that everyone has to deal with love bugs. Texas, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana are where they are most common …
- Getty Images
Getty Images 7They're Helpful
Falsity False False FalseOkay, well actually technically true. Love bugs' larvae feed on partially decayed vegetation so they are beneficial to us (True, BUT c’mon … decayed vegetation? Who cares?)
- Getty Images/iStockphoto
Getty Images/iStockphoto 8Flame On!
Purchasing a flamethrower is not a good way to handle your love bug problems (FALSE)
If handled correctly, taking a flamethrower to a swarm of love bugs would probably be quite satisfying
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