There's really no true way around it. Sooner or later, we all have to go into the depths of Walmart. Not that we always want to, but sometimes, we HAVE to.

However, I've discovered a way to survive Walmart, or at least make it a somewhat easier trip.

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    Change Your Time Up

    If crowds are your biggest problem with the big blue store, then maybe you need to go at a different time. Avoid lunch, when people run in during their lunch breaks, and avoid 5:00 PM, when people are stopping in on their way home from work. I suggest going in sometime between midnight ad 5:00 AM. No crowds, and the workers are stocking the store, so they tend to know where items are.

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    Be Willing To Park Farther From The Store

    This is pretty essential to a "decent" visit to Walmart. If you drive around for 10 or 15 minutes waiting on a closer parking spot, you're more likely to become agitated, or possibly furious, before you even set foot in the store. Plus, by the time you wait on a parking spot, you could very well have already gone in, picked out your items, checked out, and headed back to your car.

  • iStock

    Be On The Lookout For Free Samples

    Yes, I know that Sam's is more widely known for their free samples. However, you can generally find samples in Walmart, as well. Free food...or free ANYTHING, in general...makes for a more enjoyable experience.

  • iStock

    Avoid The Bathrooms

    I'll let this one sit right here. It speaks for itself.

  • Jeff Twomby, YouTube
    Jeff Twomby, YouTube

    Take Someone With You

    Spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, neighbor from down the street, random guy that you parked next to, any of these will work. Just take someone with you. It makes for a better Walmart experience. (Plus, then you've got someone to help you load and unload groceries.)

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