
Dedicated Digital Seller
Dedicated Digital Seller
Dedicated Digital Seller
Townsquare Media in Lufkin, Texas is seeking a Dedicated Digital Seller who will concentrate on digital sales in the Lufkin/Nacogdoches, and surrounding areas.
A New Type of Dad – Child Raising and Coupon Clipping [VIDEO]
A New Type of Dad – Child Raising and Coupon Clipping [VIDEO]
A New Type of Dad – Child Raising and Coupon Clipping [VIDEO]
- Submitted by KSFA listener, Brad Warner When I walk into my children's daycare and activity group, the first thing I notice is the amount of dads that are there. It seems to me, as one of these so-called 'stay-at-home dads', that there is an increasing number of these fathers who have turned raising their children into their careers.
Bank of America to Cut 30,000 Jobs As Part of $5 Billion Reductions
Bank of America to Cut 30,000 Jobs As Part of $5 Billion Reductions
Bank of America to Cut 30,000 Jobs As Part of $5 Billion Reductions
On Monday, Bank of America announced that part of its plan to cut $5 billion in spending by 2014 includes the elimination of 30,000 jobs. CEO Brian Moynihan made no mention of layoffs during an investor conference, and the bank says it expects the job losses to occur naturally through attrition and not rehiring when people vacate their positions.