We all have those days...the days where we actually get all our work done, and there's no more real work in sight. This generally happens towards the end of the week as you're wrapping everything up, getting ready for the weekend. My question to you is, what is your preferred method of keeping yourself occupied?
Thanksgiving Day is about family and friends. Getting together, being thankful and watching football is the tradition, but now more and more stores want your attention on turkey day.
Two Texas school districts are going ahead with arming teachers on school campuses. That will make three school districts in Texas that are planning this. Some authorities are advising not to do this and are worried about putting a teacher into this kind of situation.
Though I don't live in Texas anymore, all I hear about via social media and news outlets is that thousands of citizens from Texas have signed a petition for the Lone Star State to secede from the Union and form their own government.
One person who's not on board with this movement? Texas's governor, Rick Perry.