East Texas Facebook Topics That DO NOT Involve Politics
*Scrolling through Facebook*
Kavanaugh, Cruz vs. Beto, Trump, Republican vs. Democrat...the list goes on and on and on...I don't know about you guys, but it gets old. Plus, if you're campaigning on Facebook for your candidate, chances are that you're doing more harm than good. People are tired of seeing politics every time we look...well, anywhere, really. Especially on Facebook.
So, if you're having trouble finding something to post about that doesn't involve politics, you need to give this list a try.
- 97 Rock (KXRX FM), YouTube
97 Rock (KXRX FM), YouTube 1Pets
Find a picture of your favorite pet! Pets always go over well on Facebook, especially when they take the place of political agendas. Plus, this week is #NationalDogWeek, so there's no better time than now to show of your canine companion!
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Food Trucks
I realize that not everyone agrees on types of food that they like. However, we can all agree on this: We like food. And, if you don't have to take the time to go sit in a lobby to wait to be seated, well, that's even better. Especially when you have choices like Brendyn's BBQ and Red Tulip Rolling Bistro, among others, you've got plenty to talk about.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 3Sports
Yes, this one can get old very quickly. However, if you avoid debate on protests, sports can be a very welcome topic of discussion. Especially if you're talking about the upcoming San Antonio Spurs season. #GoSpursGo
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Always a good conversation topic. And, what better thing to discuss than the upcoming cool front next week??? Highs in the 70s? WHAT?!
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Paint Drying
You call it boring, I call it "better than politics".
NBC 6Anything.
Pirates, Lego bricks, guitars, or even squirrels that water ski...ALL these things are better than discussing politics on Facebook.
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