Hey all! My name is Megan McCormick, the newest addition to The Buzz Adams Morning Show. It’s been almost 6 years since I’ve been on the airwaves full-time. Most recently I was the Main Sports Anchor in Dayton, OH at ABC22/FOX45. It was there I met my husband, popped out 2 kids, and landed here in El Paso, TX. A Midwest girl born and raised – I grew up in Bay City, MI. Our claim to fame is Madonna lived there, but she called it a smelly old town or something like that. I can confirm there is a Sugar Beet factory that sometimes may singe the nostrils, but for the most part it smells nice. I studied Broadcast Journalism at Syracuse and spent most of my career out in Los Angeles at Fox Sports. I have an unhealthy relationship with Fantasy Football, and honestly, an unhealthy relationship with most things.A wise man once told me “...they either like SPORTS, or ROCK MUSIC. Never both.” It was Buzz. Buzz said that.