texas budget deficit

Angelina School Districts Could Lose $1 Million if Budget Passes
Angelina School Districts Could Lose $1 Million if Budget Passes
Angelina School Districts Could Lose $1 Million if Budget Passes
The state budget bill just passed by the Texas  House would cut state funding of public schools by $8 billion dollars.  Every school district in the state would be affected.  School districts in Angelina County would lose $1 million each, and local school officials say they're worried.
Republican Freshmen Come on Strong in State Legislature
Republican Freshmen Come on Strong in State Legislature
Republican Freshmen Come on Strong in State Legislature
Newly elected state lawmakers are usually treated like children. Veteran lawmakers remind them they are to be seen and not heard.  They're told to get along they have to go along, and most do. But not this year.  The current freshman class is refusing to just sit and be quiet.