The Angelina County Child Welfare Board is giving out Blue Ribbons so you can show your support of Child Abuse Prevention Week.

In Angelina County Child abuse is on the rise. More people living here, and as the population grows we see it more and more. Just in 2016 there were 793 investigations, 227 confirmed cases and 1 death related to child abuse here.

If you review statistics in Texas and our entire nation, there are almost 700,000 reported cases of child abuse and neglect reported in our country every year.  That's just the cases that get reported.

Protecting the most precious gift of all our children, Child Abuse Prevention Month has been observed each April since it's first presidential proclamation in 1983. The Blue ribbon campaign serves as a physical reminder. They encourage you to wear a blue ribbon to symbolize your commitment to ending child abuse.

I think it can be done, it could start with the end of capital punishment (spanking your children). I was spanked as a child, and looking back on it, the parents' frustration is where it comes from. Then it lead us to spank our own children, then for some people they think it's just they can't stop and control themselves not to go to far.


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